CALex update 3 on fighting COVID-19 and supporting Lexington 5/26/2020

Dear Lexington Community,

As we are finally seeing some encouraging signs in our fight against the coronavirus, it is hard to believe that we have been in this tough fight for almost three months while enduring the horrific health and economic crisis. Since early March, CALex has been very active in the fight by collecting and sourcing PPEs for donation to healthcare professionals, essential workers and residents in need, and collaborating with other local organizations to support Lexington. We are very pleased that we have played a small part in this great effort and we will forever cherish how the Lexington community comes together and supports each other in this trying time.

CALex has so far received donations total-valued at about $100K since March including $30K monetary donation and PPE donations valued at about $70K.  We have received roughly 43,000 pieces of PPEs, including masks, protective suits, goggles and gloves. In addition, CALex received $30K monetary donation in late January and February to support Wuhan, bringing the total to $130K during the COVID-19 crisis.

Overcoming complex supply and logistics challenges, CALex led the effort, with partnership with other Asian American organizations, to purchase from oversees 10,000 critically needed medical N95 masks which were donated to hospitals in the Greater Boston area.

Over 55 PPE donations (total about 35,000 pieces) were made to hospitals, healthcare clinics, long-term care facilities, Lexington fire and police departments and the post office. Additional 60,000 masks were donated in March and April as a joint effort between CALex and community teams organized by two LPS parents. PPE donations were also made to Lexington residents in need.

$4,000 was donated to Fund for Lexington and the Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry. More donation is in plan in the coming month.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers, supporters and the community for their outpouring of support.  More than 300 people/families have donated to CALex. Several dozen volunteers have devoted a big chunk of their personal time, braved the threat from the coronavirus and juggled job, family and volunteering, to plan, organize, collect, source, sort and deliver PPEs to our healthcare professionals. We are extremely grateful for our broad spectrum of supporters and volunteers, they are parents, teenagers, engineers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, long-term residents and new immigrants.

A list of our supporters is provided on our website at
As we are gradually returning to our normal life, the coronavirus may still be with us for a while and CALex will continue our efforts with support from our community.

Thank you very much,

CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington)  


About US:
CALex is a local 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Lexington MA. For more information about CALex, please contact or visit us at