CALex update 2 on fighting COVID-19 and supporting Lexington 4/5/2020
Dear Lexington Community,
Since last update on March 25, CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington) volunteers and community members continue to fight COVID-19, help Lexington community and support front line healthcare workers.
* As of April 4, we have donated a total of around 11,000 masks, half of which were much-needed N95, KN95 and sterile/ASTM3 surgical masks, and over 1,500 other PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment) including protective suits, goggles and gloves, to 18 institutions including hospitals, healthcare centers, Lexington police, fire department and post office, and residents in need.
* We have also made donations of over $4000 to the Lexington community including $1500 donation and $1100 worth of restaurent gift cards to Fund for Lexington, $1000 to Food Pantry, and $500 to Neighborhood Brigade.
* CALex is actively sourcing PPEs, including surgical N95s, from outside of the US; part of our purchase has arrived and has been delivered to hospitals.
We are extremely grateful for the community’s generosity. The masks received by CALex are a testimonial of broad community support – they came from small donations from a large number of community members as well as shipments recently arrived from overseas. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers and the community members, who are the heroes that made all these happened and are the rightful recipients of all the “thank-you” notes and praises.
Here is the list of PPE donations we have made (local community support has institution names in orange):

We are very proud that we have been able to help in the time of crisis. As the COVID-19 situation change daily, we’d greatly appreciate any input regarding how we can best support Lexington. You can contact us at if you need help or have questions. You can also make donations by following the instruction below:
How to donate:
1) PayPal: (PayPal account:
Please choose”Send to friends and family” (not Goods and Services)
Please note “Care Lexington” so your generous donation can be used specifically for fighting the coronavirus
2) You may also send a check to
P.O. Box 361
Lexington,MA 02420
CALex is a 501(c)(3) non-profit local organization in Lexington MA. Your donation is tax deductible. Company match is welcome. CALex EIN# 82-4077567. For additional information about CALex, please visit our website at
Thank you!
CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington)