CALex participated in LexDoingGood, hosted by CEL. Team members communicated with members of various organizations in Lexington and showed the residents various activities organized and participated by CALex.
CALex participated in LexDoingGood, hosted by CEL. Team members communicated with members of various organizations in Lexington and showed the residents various activities organized and participated by CALex.
CALex, LexYouth, and Foodlink were among the many clubs, organizations, and businesses attending Lexington’s Discovery Day celebration. Official account report.
CALex members attended the memorial service for Pat Flynn, a longtime Lexington resident and World War II veteran.
CALex and LexYouth organized a new school year meetup on Saturday. Parents got together, shared, chatted, and all kinds of questions about the school district and Lexington living were answered.…
CALex is proud to co-sponsor the event to distribute moon cakes to senior citizens in Boston Chinatown, which was organized by the Chinese American Heritage Foundation.
LexYouth’s chess teacher Alex Meng hosted a chess Tournament at Boylston Chess Club on Wednesday night.
CALex joined others in Concord to honor US Senator George Frisbie Hoar. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 for a period of 20 years. The vote was to…
Embrace the new school year and meet new friends. LexYouth and Student Corp Lexington Minuteman Chapter co-organized the Ice Cream Social tonight, giving awards to those who performed well in…
FutureChessMaster.com, parent volunteer Dihua and LexYouth jointly held a chess simul, which was very successful. Thank you to the organizers, LexYouth players, children, and parents!
This afternoon, the Chinese Garden Club organized a weeding and cleaning activity in the small garden of the Lexington Community Center. LexYouth volunteers actively participated. After the cleaning, the organizers…