Welcome to CALex!
CALex (Chinese Americans of Lexington) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and nonpartisan organization of Lexington, Massachusetts. Our mission is 1) to promote participation in public services including education, culture, and other town/community affairs, 2) to promote civic engagement and 3) to help address concerns from Chinese American community.
Lexington town home page: www.lexingtonma.gov, which contains town government, town services, recreation and programs, etc. Check School to find out important online resources from Lexington Public Schools.
Two useful online guides CALex collected and compiled for the community (Chinese version only): after-school classes and sport programs (课后班和课后活动) and living in Lexington (莱镇生活指南).
LexYouth website: www.LexYouth.org.
Here is the Chinese version (中文版).
Past Events
All CALex Youth (LexYouth) events can be found at www.LexYouth.org.
Volunteers from LexYouth and Calex launched SENIORSPEAK program, teaching seniors English at Greeley Village Community Center.
CALex hosted a team building dinner, expressing gratitude to the volunteers who have provided long-term support.
The CALex booth was full of volunteers, eager to showcase the many gifts, games, cultural displays, and other activities to everyone who stopped by.
Following the sudden post-operative complications that led to her husband’s passing in late January, CALex provided great support to a community member and her two daughters, aged 15 and 8, helping them navigate through this challenging time. Alongside collaborating with community members to give various kinds of help, CALex volunteers took charge of organizing funeral arrangements and fundraising efforts. We received donations of over $60K through GoFundMe, PayPal, Venmo and Checks for funeral expenses and emergency financial assistance to the family. Sincere thanks to the warm-hearted individuals for providing assorted help and donations.
CALex successfully hosted the My American Story event for the 3rd consecutive year on Sunday in celebration of AAPI Heritage Month. The Lexington Historical Society building saw 100+ attendees from all spectrums of life. Five Asian-American panelists shared their personal American stories.
At their meeting on March 22, The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) voted unanimously to approve Lexington’s Cultural District Designation. CALex was invited to attend the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on May 18th.

CALex co-hosted ‘How to Survive the ChatGPT Invasion’ events with Professor Po-Shen Loh, national coach of USA Math Olympiad Team. Professor Loh gave talks to Lexington and Weston kids and parents, discussing strategies that build relevant skills to survive a new era of Generative AI ChatGPT.

Rain and drizzle didn’t dampen spirits of CALex members in Lexington’s Patriots’ Day Parade on 4/17 with many other groups. Led by lion dances and followed by a dragon float, an upbeat group waiving balloon bouquets, and Wushu students, our unit was cheered on by bystanders.