❀ On Saturday, December 7, 2019, CALex invited four Chinese American Town Meeting Members to provide introduction seminar to community members.
❀ On Monday, November 25, 2019, CALex invited four experienced math teachers to share their teaching experience and philosophy to community members. This was a packed seminar.

❀ On Saturday, November 10, 2019, Expii (Learn Creatively) and CALex cohosted a fun, inspiring and insightful seminar —magic dice and many beautiful things in math. The speaker is CMU professor Po-Shen Loh, the renowned mathematician, the founder of the free online learning platform Expii, and the national coach of the United States Math Olympiad team.

❀ On Tuesday, October 15, 2019, a public hearing on the Bill H.2681, an act to collect disaggregated data based on ethnicity and country of origin, was held at the State House. A few hundred people showed up to strongly oppose the Bill.

❀ September 17, 2019 is the second anniversary of CALex! Here is the summary of CALex history in Chinese.

❀ On Sunday, September 8, 2019, CALex and PKUAANE ( Peking University Alumni Association of New England) organized an outdoor barbecue reunion.

❀ On Sunday, August 25, 2019, a team of 20 CALex members compiled and published an online guide in Chinese, living in Lexington. The guide has broad coverage and received very high rating from community members.

❀ On Saturday, August 24, 2019, CALex hosted a school orientation seminar for parents before the start of the new school year. The meeting was especially useful for parents new to Lexington. Here is the slides.

❀ On Wednesday, July 17, 2019, CALex invited State Rep. Michelle Ciccolo to meet with the Chinese American community regarding the race box issue for Asian Americans on US Census Form and the concerns on the new State bill H.2681, an act to collect disaggregated data based on ethnicity and country of origin.

❀ On Tuesday, June 28, 2019, CALex published the newsletter for the first half of 2019. Here is the Chinese version.

❀ On Saturday, May 25, 2019, CALex joined the Discovery Day event for the first time and introduced herself to the community.

❀ On Saturday, May 11, 2019, CALex hosted the 3rd community educational seminar of 2019 on private school vs public school discussion.

❀ On Wednesday, May 8, 2019, assisted by CALex and alumni, Peking University ran, for the first time in US, an information session for undergraduate program at Lexington High School.

❀ On Sunday, April 28, 2019, CALex hosted the 2nd community educational seminar of 2019 on the introduction of Math competition for students from both middle and high schools.

❀ On Monday, April 15, 2019, CALex community participated in the afternoon parade for Patriots’ Day in Lexington, MA.
❀ On Sunday, March 31, 2019, CALex hosted a ThankYou party to thank volunteers and supporters who have made a lot of help, support and contribution to the community since the organization was formed. Refreshments were served and many activities were provided. Over fifty people joined the party. Both parents and kids enjoyed the party.

❀ On Saturday, March 23, 2019, several CALex community members joined Cary Library’s 150th Anniversary Gala. It was a great success! CALex is proud to be one of the event sponsors, as we can also see CALex logo from the banner below.

❀ On Sunday, March 17, 2019, CALex hosted the 1st community educational seminar of 2019 on core issues overlooked in the development of Chinese American Kids presented by Dr. Shaobing Su.

❀ On Monday, March 4, 2019, six out of eight TMM (Town Meeting Member) candidates from Chinese American community won in one of the most competitive TMM elections in Lexington, MA. Among the winners, four are new members and two are incumbents.

❀ On Friday, February 8, 2019, CALex hosted a dinner party to celebrate Chinese New Year/Spring Festival with special guests from State House, Board of Selectmen and School Committee/Administration.

❀ On Saturday, February 2, 2019, CALex invited all candidates from two important town committees (Board of Selectmen and Planning Board) to meet with the community members.

❀ On Monday, January 21, 2019, the Town of Lexington will commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with its 6th annual family-friendly day of volunteer activities supporting the underserved. Please join. Here is the activity schedule and volunteer signup.
❀ On January 9, 2019, CALex handed over the donations for a total of $4,553.63 to Cary Memorial Library Foundation to celebrate the 150th birthday of Cary Library. The donations came from Lexington Chinese American community including several small businesses. It greatly exceeds the $3,000 fundraising goal, a great accomplishment demonstrating the love and generosity of the community in support of our wonderful Cary Library. More details in Chinese.